An intellectual current and strand of social science writing which is critical of the city as a social form. Negative attitudes to urbanization—and the ‘pastoral myth’ of the countryside—predate the ...
social area analysis
A variant of urban ecology associated with the work of Eshref Shevky and Wendell Bell and their associates (see especially E. Shevky and M. Williams, The Social Areas of Los Angeles, 1949, and E. ...
social order
Explanations of social order, of how and why societies cohere, are the central concern of sociology. The ‘Hobbesian problem of order’, for example, preoccupied those classical sociologists faced ...
sociology of environment
The environment is literally ‘that which environs or surrounds’, and the term is used in various ways in academic discourse. In biology and psychology, environment is frequently juxtaposed to ...
urban sociology
Sociological concern with urbanization began with sociology itself, for it was the rapidly growing 19th-century industrial cities that first supported those social relationships and structures which ...