1. n. An image that extends to one or more edges of a printed page.2. v. To print something so that trimming cuts off the edges of a printed area.3. n. and v. In printing, (usually unintended) ...
body type
(somatotype) the characteristic anatomical appearance of an individual, based on the predominance of the structures derived from the three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm). The three types ...
Christopher Plantin
(b ?Tours, c.1520; d Antwerp, 1 July 1589).Flemish printer of French birth. He was the most important printer and publisher in Antwerp in the 16th century. His printing press ...
communication technologies
1. Equipment (and associated techniques) directly used to enable interpersonal communication (both synchronous and asynchronous); and/or the mass media. This is not quite synonymous with ‘the means ...
1. (book publishing) A role involving the commissioning of new books and the coordination of their creation and production. A copy editor checks manuscripts for errors and consistency ready for ...
mass media
The printed press, newspapers and magazines, radio, television, and Internet sites that purvey news, information, misinformation, and all shades of opinion. Mass media provide a platform for ...
Any concept deriving from, and/or in the style of, Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian academic who enjoyed international cult status as a media guru in the 1960s. He is best known for his provocative ...
mechanical reproduction
The mass production of identical copies of a text using technological means (i.e. printing). The phrase is particularly associated with Benjamin's 1936 essay, ‘The Work of Art in the Age of ...
media determinism
A synonym for technological determinism as applied to claims about the ‘impact’ of new media technologies on society, institutions, groups, and/or individuals. The term is often applied to the stance ...
movable type
A printing system based on the use of separate elements to reproduce the individual symbols on a page. This technique was pioneered in China using ceramic pieces in the 11th century; the first ...
1. (printing press) A method of producing written (or illustrated) texts by applying ink to movable type or embossed engravings and pressing these onto sheets of paper, initially using a ...
1. n. The written text of a play, broadcast, or film (see scenario; screenplay); v. to produce such a text.2. n. (scenario) (schema theory) A kind of schema representing a shared social understanding ...
secondary colour
A colour resulting from the mixture of two primary colours (1). US secondary color. Also called a binary colour. See also metamer.
sense ratio
McLuhan's metaphor for the relative dominance of the various human senses within the human ‘sensorium’. He argued that different media extend different senses, and their ‘interiorization’ transforms ...
social effects
Compare psychological effects.1. Any social changes attributed to specific causes: see also social determinism.2. In relation to media, social influences or implications of the mass media or new ...