

monetary policy

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  • Regional and National History x
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Bank of the United States

Bank of the United States  

Between 1791 and 1811 and again from 1816 to 1836, the U.S. government created and operated a national bank that by most historical assessments met the nation's financial needs effectively. But the ...
banking and finance

banking and finance  

Encouraged by Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris persuaded the Continental Congress to charter the Bank of North America in 1781. It lent money to the cash-strapped Revolutionary government as well as ...


An extended or severe period of recession. Depressions occur infrequently. The most recent Great Depression occurred in the 1930s; prior to that they occurred in the periods 1873–96, 1844–51, and ...
Economic Regulation.

Economic Regulation.  

The objectives of economic regulation are usually mixed: to achieve an appropriate balance between efficiency and equity, to steer acquisitive human urges into productive channels, and to strike ...
Era of the Early Republic

Era of the Early Republic  

(1789–1828).Elections for the new federal government established by the Constitution were held in the winter of 1788–1789. Supporters of the Constitution, calling themselves Federalists, won control ...
Farmers' Alliance Movement.

Farmers' Alliance Movement.  

The Farmers' Alliance, the largest agricultural movement in American history, was triggered by worsening agricultural conditions in commercial crop producing areas of the southern and Great Plains ...
Federal Reserve Act

Federal Reserve Act  

(1913).The Federal Reserve Act had its origins in the Panic of 1907, when the collapse of several loosely managed trust companies sparked a general financial crisis. Depositors frightened by ...
Greenback Labor Party.

Greenback Labor Party.  

The Greenback Labor party represented a brief but potent Gilded Age expression of working-class anti-monopoly sentiment.In the aftermath of the depression of 1873, the formation of the agrarian-based ...
Income Tax, Federal.

Income Tax, Federal.  

The first U.S. income tax was introduced during the Civil War and collected through a newly established Bureau of Internal Revenue in the Department of the Treasury. It was designed ...
London Economic Conference

London Economic Conference  

(1933).The World Monetary and Economic Conference, commonly called the London Economic Conference, took place in the depths of the Great Depression, with fascism and communism on the rise and ...
Monetary Policy, Federal.

Monetary Policy, Federal.   Reference library

John A. James

The Oxford Companion to United States History

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Regional and National History
1,556 words

Encompassing two major components, the coining of currency and the creation of a banking system, U.S. monetary policy is as old as the national government itself....
