Magdeburg Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
City-port on the River Elbe; capital of Saxony-Anhalt, central Germany. In the 13th century, Magdeburg received a charter and prospered
Magdeburg Reference library
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
A town and bishopric situated on the Elbe. The town, mentioned in documents from the early 9th c., was situated
Magdeburg Reference library
The Oxford Companion to German Literature (3 ed.)
is the capital city (Landeshauptstadt) of Land Sachsen-Anhalt of the Federal Republic (see Bundesrepublik Deutschland). Formerly in the
Magdeburg Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
(archbishopric) Established by Otto I as a sign of Ottonian expansion into eastern territories, Magdeburg became an archbishopric in 968
Magdeburg Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
In 1524 an evangelical constitution for the churches of Magdeburg, a north German archiepiscopal city on the river Elbe, was