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Bernat Desclot
(d. 1287)Little is known of his life though he is often identified as Bernat Escrivà, scribe and treasurer of Pere III of Catalonia (IV of Aragon) (1276–85). He wrote ...
Catalonia came into being, like the other Christian principalities of the northern Iberian peninsula, after the Arab-Berber conquest of the 8th century. The expeditions made by the Franks and ...
A written compilation of Iberian customary law applicable to a people or a locality. The Visigothic Code (Liber iudiciorum) (681), a Roman-*law compilation later translated as the Fuero juezgo, ...
Jaime I (1208–1276) Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology
Called “the Conqueror” by later chroniclers, Jaime I stands as one of the great figures of Spain’s reconquest history. As
James I of Aragon (1208–76) Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
Son of Peter II, he became king in 1213 after his father’s death at *Muret. Though protected by
Pedro III
(1240–1285,crowned King of Aragon 1276), called “the Great,” was the second son of the warrior-king, Jaime I of Aragon (r. 1214–1276). Pedro became crown prince in 1260 and spent ...
Pedro IV
(1319–1387).Crowned King of Aragon 1336. Pedro (Pere, in Catalan) was the first son of the Aragonese king, Alfonso IV (1327–1336) and spent his adolescence under the tutelage of his ...
An essential phase of the Spanish reconquista was the Christian repopulation of lands conquered from the Peninsula’s Muslim rulers, a process aided by the distribution (repartimiento) of reconquered ...
Santa Hermandad
Unions of nobles and townsmen in medieval Castile and the Crown of Aragon, the hermandades (brotherhoods) were organized both to keep the peace and to put political pressure on the ...
Siege of Burriana
Burriana was located near the Mediterranean shore on the road leading to Muslim-controlled Valencia. When Jaime I of Aragon (r. 1213–1276) embarked on his next reconquest campaign after conquering ...
Siege of Valencia
(1238)The siege of Valencia in 1238 culminated a four-year campaign of conquest by Jaime I of Aragon (r. 1214–1276). The Almoravids had reclaimed Valencia from Christian control in 1101 ...