The practice of offering words of comfort to those afflicted by grief is reflected in the earliest Greek poetry. Later, under the twin influences of rhetoric and philosophy, a specialized consolatory ...
Is a common word in Chaucer, and an important theme. In the narratives there are naturally many cases of persons seeking or being given advice. The idea that sharing of ...
friendship Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
The ancient ideal of friendship was known to the Middle Ages especially through Cicero's De amicitia (44
Knight's Tale
The first of the Canterbury Tales, this long poem of over 2,000 lines in couplets begins with Theseus, duke of Athens, riding back from conquering the land of the Amazons ...
The childhood friend, and ‘felawe’ or sworn brother, of Theseus in The Knight's Tale who visits him and intercedes for Arcite (I.1191ff.). The friendship was legendary: their attempt to abduct ...