In western countries, black has traditionally been worn as a sign of mourning, and in figurative use the word has traditionally implied foreboding, evil, or melancholy.Black Act a severe law passed ...
Black Jews
Members of cults that emerged in Harlem, New York City, shortly after the First World War. Prophet F. S. Cherry, one of the first leaders of the Black Jews, maintained ...
Book of Jubilees
A Jewish work containing a solar calendar differing from the official; composed in the late 2nd cent. bce and used by the Qumran community. So called because its chronology is worked out in periods ...
Ethiopian Church
One of the Oriental Orthodox Churches. Christianity was introduced into Ethiopia in the 4th cent. by St Frumentius (q.v.) and Edesius of Tyre, and in the early 6th cent. the kingdom of Axum in N. ...
Fast Days
The days in the Jewish calendar set aside for fasting by the whole community. In addition to the major fasts of Yom Kippur and the Ninth of Av, there are three minor fasts commemorating events ...
Ten lost tribes
The Jewish tribes who disappeared from history after the Assyrian conquest of 722 bce. The rabbis believed they were in exile beyond the river Sambatyon. Various identifications have been made. ...