administration, urban
The organization of an urban settlement with its complex social relations and its orientation towards secondary and tertiary economic activities necessitated an early administrative development ...
(town and bishopric) From the period of Otto III (983–1002) imperial bishops were often given comital authority, and Liège became the most powerful ecclesiastical principality of the western empire. ...
lordship and town
The central MA can be considered a turning point for the organizational systems of towns and the relations with their lords.1. Towns after the Roman Empire2. The ‘communal movement’3. ‘Communal ...
parloir aux bourgeois
Seat of the provost of the merchants, who had prerogatives of municipal power; housed from 1357 in the Maison aux Piliers, bordering the Place de Grève in Paris. See also echevins; guilds.[...]
(Latin placitare, from placitum, lawsuit; the word plea is closely related to placitum and has the sense of something that has been decided)A paragraph or subdivision of a page ...
On 6th Sept 649 or 651, Audomar (Omer), bishop of Thérouanne, received twelve Estates, including Sithiu where he established three missionaries who came from Austrasia and spoke the local thiois ...
ˈēpr(ǝ)a town in northwest Belgium near the border with France, in the province of West Flanders. Ypres was the scene of some of the bitterest fighting of World War I.[...]