Académie Française
A French literary academy with a constant membership of forty, responsible for the standard form of the French language and for compiling and revising a definitive dictionary of the French language. ...
Antoine Furetière
(1619–88).Satirist and lexicographer. A member of the Parisian legal bourgeoise, he lived all his life in the capital, acquiring a sinecure as an abbot in 1662. In 1648 he ...
Bernardo Bellini
(1792–1876).Poet and lexicographer, who studied at Pavia and then taught literature in various cities, also founding a printing-firm in Cremona in 1820. He wrote narrative poems and tragedies. He ...
The study of the elements and the compounds they form. Chemistry is mainly concerned with effects that depend on the outer electrons in atoms. See biochemistry; geochemistry; inorganic chemistry; ...
The dialects of Italy are not dialects of Italian: they are neither aspects of Italian, nor are they derived from it, because they existed before the Italian language came into ...
Émile Littré
(1801–81)French scholar, philosopher, and lexicographer, who began work on his great dictionary of the French language in 1846. It was published in four volumes (1863–72), with a supplementary volume ...
It was the Enlightenment which developed the modern encyclopedia. The first original Italian encyclopedia of note is the Nuovo dizionario scientifico e curioso sacro-profano of Gianfranco Pivati ...
Francesco Redi
(1626–1697) Italian biologist, physician, and poetRedi, who was born at Arezzo in Italy, studied medicine and philosophy at the University of Pisa, graduating in 1647. He was employed as personal ...
François-Séraphin Régnier-Desmarais
(1632–1713).French poet and grammarian, active in the preparation of the first dictionary of the Académie Française, and author of a Traité de la grammaire française (1705).
Among the many territories conquered by speakers of Latin during the creation of the Roman Empire was a large area occupied predominantly by Celts, and known then as Gallia (later ...
German literature
The model of a Renaissance revival of the forms and ideals of classical literature is of limited usefulness in understanding German literature of the early modern period. The humanist tradition ...
The first vernacular grammar was written exceptionally early (1437–41) by Alberti. He wished to show that contemporary cultured Florentine could be analysed in the same way as Latin, but his ...
Hai ben Sherira
(939–1038).Jewish gaon of Pumbedita, hence also known as Hai Gaon. Hai succeeded his father as gaon and was regarded as a supreme halakhic authority. Besides responsa, he also wrote ...
Harry Orsman
(1928–2002),was the pre-eminent lexicographer of New Zealand English. Prodigious reading in local literature and a lifetime collection of usages made him for many years contributor to major ...
The formation of the Italian language was part of the more general process of evolution that led from Latin to the multiplicity of the Romance languages. In this process, the ...
Jacques-Georges de Chauffepié
(1702–1786), pastor, Christian apologist, and author of a biographical dictionary, intended to supplement Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique. Jacques-Georges de Chauffepié (or Chaufepié) was ...
Johnson's Dictionary
By Samuel Johnson, published 1755. In 1746 Johnson contracted with Robert Dodsley and other booksellers to write an English dictionary, for a fee of £1,575. A ‘Plan’ and dedication to ...
Were used by Māori to increase achievement and performance in all parts of life: children used them with their toys, adults with their various activities or to cure illnesses, and ...
linguistics, medieval
Contemporary linguistics finds its closest medieval analogues in the teaching of the grammatici. The copying and circulation of Latin grammars played an instrumental role in the Christianization of ...
New Zealand English
(NZE)in the broad sense is the entire range of English used by New Zealanders, including the very large body of written expression belonging to all geographical varieties of the ...