Académie Française
Antoine Furetière
Bernardo Bellini
Dictionaries Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature
involving the vernacular were chiefly Latin-Italian until, in the 16th c., the flourishing of vernacular literature and printing encouraged the
Dictionaries Reference library
The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French
[See also Encylopedias].
1. Medieval and Renaissance
The origins of French lexicography lie in bilingual French–Latin glossaries of the
dictionaries Reference library
The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature
of Irish developed from early glossaries such as Sanas Chormaic, c.
Dictionaries Reference library
Winifred Bauer
The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature
Dictionaries Reference library
The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature
Texts no doubt were glossed as soon as English began to be written with the Roman alphabet, which means perhaps