dictionary Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
The first medieval dictionary, Elementarium doctrinae rudimentum (c.1053), was derived from preceding *glossaries and *encyclopedias.
German literature
The model of a Renaissance revival of the forms and ideals of classical literature is of limited usefulness in understanding German literature of the early modern period. The humanist tradition ...
The formation of the Italian language was part of the more general process of evolution that led from Latin to the multiplicity of the Romance languages. In this process, the ...
linguistics, medieval
Contemporary linguistics finds its closest medieval analogues in the teaching of the grammatici. The copying and circulation of Latin grammars played an instrumental role in the Christianization of ...
philology, Romance
Romance philology studies texts (literary, legal, scientific, religious, philosophical, and so forth) written in vernacular languages and dialects that evolved from the Latin spoken in territories ...