Eduard Schwartz
(1858–1940), classical philologist and patristic scholar. He held a succession of professorships in Germany. His main work, the Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum (1914–40), was a grandly planned edition ...
City in Asia Minor (near the W. coast of modern Turkey and now a ruin), and venue of the third ecumenical council in 431.A second synod was held in ...
(Greek for a street or alley). In the early Church a colony of anchorites who, while living in separate huts, were subject to a single abbot. The oldest lavras were founded in Palestine in the early ...
Marcian the Monk
(probably late 4th cent.), ascetical writer. He has long been known as the author of three short extracts in the Florilegium Edessenum, but in modern times J. Lebon has attributed to him nine other ...
Mary of Egypt
(5th century(?),penitent. A certain Mary lived the life of a hermit in Palestine according to John Moschus, and her tomb was visited by Cyril of Scythopolis, who in his Life of Cyriacus related how ...
The group of theories enunciated by, or attributed to, Origen. Among his earliest opponents was Methodius of Olympus, who rejected his teaching on the pre-existence of souls and his denial of the ...
St Sabas
(439–532), monk. A native of Cappadocia, in 478 he founded a large lavra between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. He reluctantly accepted ordination to the priesthood (not then usual among monks) in 490, ...