A town near the Sea of Galilee which was a centre for Christ's ministry (Mk.2: 1). It has been identified with Kefar Naḥum (Tell Hûm).
*Gentile centurion admitted to the Church by Peter (Acts 10), thus marking a turning point in the progress of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Rome.
Luke claims (Luke 1: 2) to be relying on the evidence of eyewitnesses; and the author of 2 Pet. (1: 16) implies that he was an eyewitness at the Transfiguration of Jesus. The latter is part of his ...
Italian band
A cohort of the Roman army probably composed of Roman citizens, of which Cornelius was a centurion (Acts 10: 1).
son of David
It is claimed both in the gospels (Matt. 1: 17) and by Paul (Rom. 1: 3) that Jesus was descended from the royal house of David on the human side. But it is a title usually given to Jesus by those who ...
Son of God
Or ‘children of God’. In Gen. 6: 1–4 ‘Sons of God’ united with ‘daughters of men’ to produce a race of supermen who were presumably destroyed by the Flood. The expression, meaning supernatural ...
(c. 160–c. 240),early Christian theologian. His writings include Christian apologetics and attacks on pagan idolatry and Gnosticism. He later joined the Montanists, urging asceticism and venerating ...