access to codes of practice
A person brought to a police station under arrest or arrested at the station must be informed of the right to consult the PACE Codes of Practice at any stage during the period in custody.
adverse occupation
Occupation of premises by a trespasser to the exclusion of the owner or lawful occupier. Trespass in itself is not usually a criminal offence, but if the premises are residential and were being ...
age and crime
A significant proportion of crime is committed by young people. Indeed, this has led two American criminologists, Hirschi and Gottfredson, to argue that the age–crime distribution ‘represents one of ...
arrestable offence
At one time a category of offence for which specific powers of arrest existed. Arrestable, non‐arrestable, and serious arrestable offences were abolished by the Serious Organized Crime and Police Act ...
backed for bail
Describing a warrant for arrest issued by a magistrate or by the Crown Court to a police officer, directing him to release the accused, upon arrest, on bail under specified conditions. The police ...
bench warrant
A warrant for the arrest of a person who has failed to attend court when summoned or subpoenaed to do so or against whom an order of committal for contempt of court has been made and who cannot be ...
breach of the peace
The state that occurs when harm is done or likely to be done to a person or (in his presence) to his property, or when a person is in fear of being harmed through an assault, affray, or other ...
breath test
A preliminary test applied by a uniformed police officer by means of a breathalyser to a driver whom he suspects has alcohol in his body in excess of the legal limit, has committed a traffic offence ...
Civilian Enforcement Officer
A person, not being a constable, authorized by the magistrates' courts committee to execute warrants of arrest, commitment, detention, or distress, issued by a justice of the peace (s 125A, ...
Code of Practice for Victims
A code issued by the Home Secretary, under s 32 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, as to the services to be provided to a victim of criminal conduct, including the family of a ...
crassa negligentia
A form of gross negligence implying malice. A term used particularly in admiralty jurisdictions in relation to wrongful (vexatious) arrest of a ship: The Evangelismos (1858) 166 ER 1174 (PC).[...]
crime investigation by the police
Investigating crime is seen by the public as a primary function of the police. This is reactive, with the police responding to the demands made on them by the public. ...
crime investigation other than by police
Investigation and prosecution of crime is not only undertaken by the police. In theory, any individual citizen has the power to investigate crime and initiate a private prosecution. In the ...
Criminal Procedure
PretrialTrialAppealsPretrialTrialAppealsCriminal procedure in the early period of American colonial history was informal and local. For example, one neighbor might accuse another of theft before the ...
criminal regulation of public order
By comparison with the interests that are protected by the various criminal offences against the person such as assaults and homicides, and offences against property such as theft and burglary ...
N.1 Imprisonment or confinement. The current policy behind the use of custody was established in the Criminal Justice Act 1991 and has been consolidated by the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) ...
custody record
A record kept by the custody officer at a detention facility of every person brought there under arrest or arrested there having attended voluntarily. Whilst not required by the Police and Criminal ...
data protection
The increase in the amount of personal information held in electronic form by public and private bodies is a threat to personal privacy. In the modern world, vast amounts of ...
default judgment
(judgment in default of appearance)In a civil proceeding, a judgment made in favour of the plaintiff (complainant) in default of an appearance being made by the defendant, or a ...