- e
- Early Clinical Detection
- Early Detection of Disease
- Early-Warning System
- Eclosion
- Ecoepidemiology
- Ecological Case-Referent Study
- Ecological Analysis
- Ecological Bias
- Ecological Correlation
- Ecological Depth
- Ecological Fallacy
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecological Study
- Ecological Transition
- Ecology
- Economic Appraisal
- Ecosocial Theory of Disease Distribution
- Ecosystem
- Effect
- Effectiveness
- Effective Population Size
- Effective Sample Size
- Effect Measure
- Effect Modification
- Effect Modifier
- Efficacy
- Efficiency
- Egg Count
- Elasticity
- Eligibility Criteria
- Elimination
- Embodiment
- Embryo
- Emergency
- Emerging Infections
- Empirical
- Empirical-Bayes Methods
- Employment Condition
- Emporiatrics
- Enabling Factors
- Encounter
- Endemic Disease
- Endobiotic
- End Results
- Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR)
- Entropy
- Environment
- Environmental Epidemiology
- Environmental Health Criteria Document
- Environmental Health Impact Assessment
- Environmental Hypersensitivity
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Epidemic
- Epidemic, Common Source
- Epidemic, Mathematical Model of
- Epidemic, Point Source
- Epidemic Curve
- Epidemiological Intelligence
- Epidemics, History of
- Epidemic Threshold
- Epidemiological Coherence
- Epidemiological Research
- Epidemiological Transition Theory
- Epidemiologist
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology, Demarcation of
- Epidemiology, Analytic
- Epidemiology, Applied
- Epidemiology, Black-Box
- Epidemiology, Cancer
- Epidemiology, Cardiovascular
- Epidemiology, Descriptive
- Epidemiology, Developmental
- Epidemiology, Digital
- Epidemiology, Disaster
- Epidemiology, Environmental
- Epidemiology, Experimental
- Epidemiology, Field
- Epidemiology, Forensic
- Epidemiology, Health Care
- Epidemiology, Hospital
- Epidemiology, Landscape
- Epidemiology, Life Course
- Epidemiology, Mechanistic
- Epidemiology, Observational
- Epidemiology, Occupational
- Epidemiology, Primary Care
- Epidemiology, Psychosocial
- Epidemiology, Satellite
- Epidemiology, Social
- Epidemiology, Sociology of
- Epidemiology, Spatial
- Epidemiology, Theoretical
- Epigenetic Inheritance
- Epigenetics
- Epigenome
- Epi Info
- Episode
- Epistasis
- Epistemic
- Epistemic Communities
- Epistemic Cultures
- Epistemology
- Epizoology
- Epizootic
- Epizootiology
- Epornithic
- Equator
- Equipoise
- Equity
- Equivalence Tests
- Equivalence Trial
- Eradication (Of Disease)
- Error
- Error, Type I
- Error, Type II
- Error, Type III
- Error Bar
- Estimability
- Estimate
- Estimator
- Ethics
- Ethics (Ethical) Review Committee
- Ethnic Group, Ethnicity
- Ethnoepidemiology
- Etiological Fraction Among The Exposed
- Etiological Fraction For The Population
- Etiological Study
- Etiology
- Evaluation
- Evans’S Postulates
- Evidence
- Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)
- Evidence-Based Public Health (EBPH)
- Evidence-Informed Health Policymaking
- Exact Method
- Exact Test
- Exception Flagging (Reporting) System
- Excess Rate (Exposed)
- Excess Rate (Population)
- Excess Risk
- Exchangeability, Exchangeable
- Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)
- Expansion of Morbidity
- Expectation of Life
- Expected Years of Life Lost
- Experiment
- Experiment, Natural
- Experimental Study
- Experimental Epidemiological Study
- Experimental Epidemiology
- Experimental Treatment Assignment Assumption
- Explanatory Study, Explanatory Trial
- Explanatory Variable
- Exploratory Study
- Exposed
- Exposed Cases Impact Number
- Exposome
- Exposure
- Exposure Assessment
- Exposure Control
- Exposure Impact Number
- Exposure Limit
- Exposure-Odds Ratio
- Exposure Ratio
- Expression, Gene
- Expressivity
- Extended Trial
- Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR)
- External Effects
- Externalities, Externality
- External Validity
- Extrapolate, Extrapolation
- Extremal Quotient
- Extrinsic Incubation Period
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
[from the Greek epi (upon), dēmos (people)] The occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness, specific health-related behavior, or other health-related events clearly in excess of normal expectancy. The community or region and the period in which the cases occur must be specified precisely. The number of cases indicating the presence of an epidemic varies according to the agent, size, and type of population exposed; previous experience or lack of exposure to the disease; and time and place of occurrence. Epidemicity is thus relative to usual frequency of the disease in the same area, among the specified population, at the same season of the year.... ...
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- e
- Early Clinical Detection
- Early Detection of Disease
- Early-Warning System
- Eclosion
- Ecoepidemiology
- Ecological Case-Referent Study
- Ecological Analysis
- Ecological Bias
- Ecological Correlation
- Ecological Depth
- Ecological Fallacy
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecological Study
- Ecological Transition
- Ecology
- Economic Appraisal
- Ecosocial Theory of Disease Distribution
- Ecosystem
- Effect
- Effectiveness
- Effective Population Size
- Effective Sample Size
- Effect Measure
- Effect Modification
- Effect Modifier
- Efficacy
- Efficiency
- Egg Count
- Elasticity
- Eligibility Criteria
- Elimination
- Embodiment
- Embryo
- Emergency
- Emerging Infections
- Empirical
- Empirical-Bayes Methods
- Employment Condition
- Emporiatrics
- Enabling Factors
- Encounter
- Endemic Disease
- Endobiotic
- End Results
- Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR)
- Entropy
- Environment
- Environmental Epidemiology
- Environmental Health Criteria Document
- Environmental Health Impact Assessment
- Environmental Hypersensitivity
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Epidemic
- Epidemic, Common Source
- Epidemic, Mathematical Model of
- Epidemic, Point Source
- Epidemic Curve
- Epidemiological Intelligence
- Epidemics, History of
- Epidemic Threshold
- Epidemiological Coherence
- Epidemiological Research
- Epidemiological Transition Theory
- Epidemiologist
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology, Demarcation of
- Epidemiology, Analytic
- Epidemiology, Applied
- Epidemiology, Black-Box
- Epidemiology, Cancer
- Epidemiology, Cardiovascular
- Epidemiology, Descriptive
- Epidemiology, Developmental
- Epidemiology, Digital
- Epidemiology, Disaster
- Epidemiology, Environmental
- Epidemiology, Experimental
- Epidemiology, Field
- Epidemiology, Forensic
- Epidemiology, Health Care
- Epidemiology, Hospital
- Epidemiology, Landscape
- Epidemiology, Life Course
- Epidemiology, Mechanistic
- Epidemiology, Observational
- Epidemiology, Occupational
- Epidemiology, Primary Care
- Epidemiology, Psychosocial
- Epidemiology, Satellite
- Epidemiology, Social
- Epidemiology, Sociology of
- Epidemiology, Spatial
- Epidemiology, Theoretical
- Epigenetic Inheritance
- Epigenetics
- Epigenome
- Epi Info
- Episode
- Epistasis
- Epistemic
- Epistemic Communities
- Epistemic Cultures
- Epistemology
- Epizoology
- Epizootic
- Epizootiology
- Epornithic
- Equator
- Equipoise
- Equity
- Equivalence Tests
- Equivalence Trial
- Eradication (Of Disease)
- Error
- Error, Type I
- Error, Type II
- Error, Type III
- Error Bar
- Estimability
- Estimate
- Estimator
- Ethics
- Ethics (Ethical) Review Committee
- Ethnic Group, Ethnicity
- Ethnoepidemiology
- Etiological Fraction Among The Exposed
- Etiological Fraction For The Population
- Etiological Study
- Etiology
- Evaluation
- Evans’S Postulates
- Evidence
- Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)
- Evidence-Based Public Health (EBPH)
- Evidence-Informed Health Policymaking
- Exact Method
- Exact Test
- Exception Flagging (Reporting) System
- Excess Rate (Exposed)
- Excess Rate (Population)
- Excess Risk
- Exchangeability, Exchangeable
- Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)
- Expansion of Morbidity
- Expectation of Life
- Expected Years of Life Lost
- Experiment
- Experiment, Natural
- Experimental Study
- Experimental Epidemiological Study
- Experimental Epidemiology
- Experimental Treatment Assignment Assumption
- Explanatory Study, Explanatory Trial
- Explanatory Variable
- Exploratory Study
- Exposed
- Exposed Cases Impact Number
- Exposome
- Exposure
- Exposure Assessment
- Exposure Control
- Exposure Impact Number
- Exposure Limit
- Exposure-Odds Ratio
- Exposure Ratio
- Expression, Gene
- Expressivity
- Extended Trial
- Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR)
- External Effects
- Externalities, Externality
- External Validity
- Extrapolate, Extrapolation
- Extremal Quotient
- Extrinsic Incubation Period