- Dag (Directed Acyclic Graph)
- Daly
- Data
- Data Collection
- Data Contamination
- Database
- Data Cleaning
- Data Dredging
- Data Mining
- Data Processing
- Data Reduction
- Data Safety Monitoring Board
- Death Certificate
- Death Rate
- Death Registration Area
- Debiasing
- Decision Analysis
- Decision Tree
- Decomposition Method
- Deduction
- Deductive Logic
- Degrees of Freedom (DF)
- Delphi Method
- Demand (For Health Services)
- Demographic Transition
- Demographic Entrapment
- Demography
- Demonstration Model
- Denominator
- Density Case-Control Study
- Density-Equalizing Map
- Density of Population
- Density Sampling
- Deontological
- Dependency Ratio
- Dependent Variable
- Descriptive Epidemiology
- Descriptive Study
- Design
- Design Bias
- Design Effect
- Design Variable
- Desmoteric Medicine
- Detectable Preclinical Period
- Detection Bias
- Determinant(S)
- Determinant, Distal (Distant)
- Determinant, Proximal (Proximate)
- Determinism, Genetic
- Deterministic Method
- Deterministic Model
- Determinant of Fertility, Proximate
- Developmental and Life Course Epidemiology
- Developmental Origins Hypothesis
- Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
- Diagnostic Index
- Diagnostic Suspicion Bias
- Diagnostic Test
- Dichotomous Scale
- Dichotomous Variable
- Differential
- Diffusion Theory
- Digital Epidemiology
- Digit Preference
- Dimensionality
- Direct Adjustment, Direct Standardization
- Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Direction
- Directionality
- Directives
- Direct Obstetrical Death
- Disability
- Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYS)
- Disability-Free Life Expectancy
- Disaster
- Disaster Epidemiology
- Disclosure of Interests
- Disconfirmation Bias
- Discordant
- Discount Rate
- Discrete Data
- Discriminant Function Analysis
- Discriminatory Accuracy
- Discriminatory Power
- Disease
- Disease Frequency Survey
- Disease Intensity
- Disease Label
- Disease Mapping
- Disease Model
- “Disease Mongering”
- Disease Odds Ratio
- Disease, Preclinical
- Disease Progression Bias
- Disease Registry
- Disease, Subclinical
- Disease Taxonomy
- Disease Transition
- Diseases of Complex Etiology
- Disentrapment
- Disinfection
- Disinfestation
- Dismod
- Disorder
- Distal Determinant
- Distribution
- Distribution-Free Method
- Distribution Function
- Dominance
- Dominant
- Dose
- Dose-Response Relationship
- Dot Chart, Dot Plot
- Double-Blind Trial
- Doubling Time
- Doubly Robust Estimator
- Drift
- Droplet Nuclei
- Dropout
- Drug Resistance
- Drug Resistance, Multiple (MDR)
- Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Multiple (MDR Tuberculosis)
- Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Extensively
- Dummy Variable
- Dynamic Population
- Dysregulation
Determinant(S) (Syn: risk factor)
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
A collective or individual Risk factor (or set of factors) that is causally related to a health condition, outcome, or other defined characteristic. The concept is probabilistic, and thus the term does not imply a ... ...
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- Dag (Directed Acyclic Graph)
- Daly
- Data
- Data Collection
- Data Contamination
- Database
- Data Cleaning
- Data Dredging
- Data Mining
- Data Processing
- Data Reduction
- Data Safety Monitoring Board
- Death Certificate
- Death Rate
- Death Registration Area
- Debiasing
- Decision Analysis
- Decision Tree
- Decomposition Method
- Deduction
- Deductive Logic
- Degrees of Freedom (DF)
- Delphi Method
- Demand (For Health Services)
- Demographic Transition
- Demographic Entrapment
- Demography
- Demonstration Model
- Denominator
- Density Case-Control Study
- Density-Equalizing Map
- Density of Population
- Density Sampling
- Deontological
- Dependency Ratio
- Dependent Variable
- Descriptive Epidemiology
- Descriptive Study
- Design
- Design Bias
- Design Effect
- Design Variable
- Desmoteric Medicine
- Detectable Preclinical Period
- Detection Bias
- Determinant(S)
- Determinant, Distal (Distant)
- Determinant, Proximal (Proximate)
- Determinism, Genetic
- Deterministic Method
- Deterministic Model
- Determinant of Fertility, Proximate
- Developmental and Life Course Epidemiology
- Developmental Origins Hypothesis
- Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
- Diagnostic Index
- Diagnostic Suspicion Bias
- Diagnostic Test
- Dichotomous Scale
- Dichotomous Variable
- Differential
- Diffusion Theory
- Digital Epidemiology
- Digit Preference
- Dimensionality
- Direct Adjustment, Direct Standardization
- Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Direction
- Directionality
- Directives
- Direct Obstetrical Death
- Disability
- Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYS)
- Disability-Free Life Expectancy
- Disaster
- Disaster Epidemiology
- Disclosure of Interests
- Disconfirmation Bias
- Discordant
- Discount Rate
- Discrete Data
- Discriminant Function Analysis
- Discriminatory Accuracy
- Discriminatory Power
- Disease
- Disease Frequency Survey
- Disease Intensity
- Disease Label
- Disease Mapping
- Disease Model
- “Disease Mongering”
- Disease Odds Ratio
- Disease, Preclinical
- Disease Progression Bias
- Disease Registry
- Disease, Subclinical
- Disease Taxonomy
- Disease Transition
- Diseases of Complex Etiology
- Disentrapment
- Disinfection
- Disinfestation
- Dismod
- Disorder
- Distal Determinant
- Distribution
- Distribution-Free Method
- Distribution Function
- Dominance
- Dominant
- Dose
- Dose-Response Relationship
- Dot Chart, Dot Plot
- Double-Blind Trial
- Doubling Time
- Doubly Robust Estimator
- Drift
- Droplet Nuclei
- Dropout
- Drug Resistance
- Drug Resistance, Multiple (MDR)
- Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Multiple (MDR Tuberculosis)
- Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Extensively
- Dummy Variable
- Dynamic Population
- Dysregulation