Show Summary Details
- Calibration
- Caliper Matching
- Campbell Collaboration
- Cancer Epidemiology
- Cancer Mortality: Incidence Ratio
- Cancer Registry
- Candidate Gene
- Candidate Gene-Environment Interaction
- Candidate Gene Approach
- Capital
- Capture-Recapture Method
- Carcinogen
- Carcinogenesis
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology
- Carrier
- Carrier, Chronic
- Carrier Frequency
- Carrying Capacity For Humans
- Carrying Capacity For Other Species
- Carryover Effect
- Cartogram
- Case
- Case, Autochthonous
- Case-Base Study
- Case-Case Study
- Case-Cohort Study
- Case, Collateral
- Case Classification
- Case-Comparison Study
- Case-Control Study
- Case-Crossover Study
- Case Definition
- Case Fatality Rate
- Case Finding
- Case History Study
- Case Impact Number
- Case, Imported
- Case, Indigenous
- Case, Induced
- Case Investigation
- Case-Mix Index (CMI)
- Case-Only Study
- Case Referent Study
- Case Reports
- Case Series
- Case-Specular Study
- Case Study
- Case-Time-Control Study
- Casuistry
- Cat-And-Whiskers Plot
- Catastrophe Theory
- Catchment Area
- Categorization
- Causal Criteria
- Causal Diagram
- Causal Inference
- Causality
- Causal Null Hypothesis
- Causation of Disease, Factors In
- Cause-Deleted Life Table
- Cause, Properties
- Causes, Components
- Causes In Public Health Sciences
- Causes of Death
- Cause-Specific Rate
- Censoring
- Census
- Census Tract
- Centile
- Cessation Experiment
- Chain of Infection
- Chains of Risk
- Chance
- Chaos Theory
- Chart
- Check Digit
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Chemotherapy
- Child (1-4 Years) Mortality Rate
- Child Nutrition, Measures of
- Chi-Square (χ2) distribution
- Chi-Square (χ2) Test
- Choroplethic Map
- Chromosome
- Chronic
- Chronic Carrier
- Chronobiology
- Circular Epidemiology
- Circular Reasoning
- Class
- Classification
- Classification of Diseases
- Class Interval
- Clinical Decision Analysis
- Clinical Epidemiology
- Clinical Importance
- Clinical Infection
- Clinically Meaningful
- Clinical Prediction Rule
- Clinical Research Associate
- Clinical Significance
- Clinical Study
- Clinical Trial
- Clinical Trial, Negative
- Clinical Trial, Split-Mouth
- Clinimetrics
- Closed Cohort
- Closed Population
- Cluster
- Cluster Analysis
- Clustering
- Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
- Cluster Sampling
- CNN Approach
- Cochrane Collaboration
- Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
- Code
- Coding
- Code of Conduct
- Codominance
- Coefficient of Concordance
- Coefficient of Variation
- Coercion
- Cognitive Dissonance
- Cognitive Dissonance Bias
- Coherence
- Coherence, Epidemiological
- Cohort
- Cohort Analysis
- Cohort Component Method
- Cohort Effect
- Cohort Incidence
- Cohort Slopes
- Cohort Study
- Cohort Study, Historical
- Cointervention
- Cold Chain
- Collapsibility
- Collider
- Collider Bias
- Collinearity
- Colonization
- Commensal
- Common Disease Genetic and Epigenetic (CDGE) Hypothesis
- Common Good
- Common Source Epidemic
- Common Vehicle Spread
- Communicable Disease
- Communicable Period
- Communitarian Ethics
- Community
- Community Diagnosis
- Community Health
- Community Medicine
- Community Need Assessment
- Community-Oriented Primary Health Care
- Community Trial
- Comorbidity
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Comparison Group
- Competing Risk
- Completed Fertility Rate
- Completing The Clinical Picture
- Completion Rate
- Complex Trait
- Compliance
- Component Causes
- Composite Index
- Compositional Effects
- Compression of Morbidity
- Concentration Curve
- Concentration Index
- Concordance
- Concordant
- Concurrent Study
- Concurrent Validity
- Conditional Logistic Regression
- Conditional Probability
- Confidence Interval (CI)
- Confidence Limits
- Confidentiality
- Confirmation Bias
- Conflict of Interest
- Confounder
- Confounding
- Confounding Bias
- Confounding By Indication
- Confounding, Negative
- Confounding, Positive
- Confounding, Unmeasured
- Congenital A
- Connection
- Consanguine
- Consent Bias
- Consilience
- Consistency
- Consort
- Construct Validity
- Contact, Direct
- Contact, Indirect
- Contact, Primary
- Contact, Secondary
- Contact (Of An Infection)
- Contact Tracing
- Contagion
- Contagious Disease
- Containment
- Contamination
- Contamination, Data
- Content Validity
- Contextual Analysis
- Context
- Contextual Effects
- Contingency Table
- Contingent Variable
- Continuing Source Epidemic (Outbreak)
- Continuous Data, Continuous Variable
- Contour Plot
- Contract Research Organization (CRO)
- Control
- Control Group, Controls
- Controls, Historical
- Controls, Hospital
- Controls, Matched
- Controls, Negative
- Controls, Neighborhood
- Controls, Sibling
- Convenience Sample
- Coordinates
- Copy Number Variants (CNV)
- Cordon Sanitaire
- Correlation
- Correlation Coefficient
- Correlation, Intraclass
- Correlation, Nonsense
- Cost
- Cost, Average
- Cost, Avoided
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost, Direct
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Cost, Fixed
- Cost, Inaction
- Cost, Incremental
- Cost, Indirect
- Cost, Intangible
- Cost, Opportunity
- Cost, Total
- Costs, Marginal
- Costs of Inaction
- Cost-Utility Analysis
- Counterfactual
- Counterfactual Outcome
- Counterfactual Logic
- Countermatching
- Covariate
- Coverage
- Cox Model
- Creativity
- Criterion
- Criterion Validity
- Critical Appraisal
- Critical Period
- Critical Region
- Critical Time Window
- Critical Population Size
- Cronbach’S Alpha
- Cross-Cultural Study
- Cross-Cultural Validity
- Cross-Design Synthesis
- Cross-Infection
- Cross-Level Bias
- Crossover Clinical Trial, Crossover Experiment
- Cross-Product Ratio
- Cross-Sectional Study
- Cross-Validation
- Crude Death Rate
- Culture
- Cumulative Death Rate
- Cumulative Incidence
- Cumulative Incidence Ratio
- Cumulative Sampling
- Cusum
- Cut Point
- Cyclicity, Seasonal
- Cyclicity, Secular
- Cyst Count
Comparison Group
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
Any group to which the index group is compared.6,26 Usually synonymous with Control group. See also case series... ...
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- Calibration
- Caliper Matching
- Campbell Collaboration
- Cancer Epidemiology
- Cancer Mortality: Incidence Ratio
- Cancer Registry
- Candidate Gene
- Candidate Gene-Environment Interaction
- Candidate Gene Approach
- Capital
- Capture-Recapture Method
- Carcinogen
- Carcinogenesis
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology
- Carrier
- Carrier, Chronic
- Carrier Frequency
- Carrying Capacity For Humans
- Carrying Capacity For Other Species
- Carryover Effect
- Cartogram
- Case
- Case, Autochthonous
- Case-Base Study
- Case-Case Study
- Case-Cohort Study
- Case, Collateral
- Case Classification
- Case-Comparison Study
- Case-Control Study
- Case-Crossover Study
- Case Definition
- Case Fatality Rate
- Case Finding
- Case History Study
- Case Impact Number
- Case, Imported
- Case, Indigenous
- Case, Induced
- Case Investigation
- Case-Mix Index (CMI)
- Case-Only Study
- Case Referent Study
- Case Reports
- Case Series
- Case-Specular Study
- Case Study
- Case-Time-Control Study
- Casuistry
- Cat-And-Whiskers Plot
- Catastrophe Theory
- Catchment Area
- Categorization
- Causal Criteria
- Causal Diagram
- Causal Inference
- Causality
- Causal Null Hypothesis
- Causation of Disease, Factors In
- Cause-Deleted Life Table
- Cause, Properties
- Causes, Components
- Causes In Public Health Sciences
- Causes of Death
- Cause-Specific Rate
- Censoring
- Census
- Census Tract
- Centile
- Cessation Experiment
- Chain of Infection
- Chains of Risk
- Chance
- Chaos Theory
- Chart
- Check Digit
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Chemotherapy
- Child (1-4 Years) Mortality Rate
- Child Nutrition, Measures of
- Chi-Square (χ2) distribution
- Chi-Square (χ2) Test
- Choroplethic Map
- Chromosome
- Chronic
- Chronic Carrier
- Chronobiology
- Circular Epidemiology
- Circular Reasoning
- Class
- Classification
- Classification of Diseases
- Class Interval
- Clinical Decision Analysis
- Clinical Epidemiology
- Clinical Importance
- Clinical Infection
- Clinically Meaningful
- Clinical Prediction Rule
- Clinical Research Associate
- Clinical Significance
- Clinical Study
- Clinical Trial
- Clinical Trial, Negative
- Clinical Trial, Split-Mouth
- Clinimetrics
- Closed Cohort
- Closed Population
- Cluster
- Cluster Analysis
- Clustering
- Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
- Cluster Sampling
- CNN Approach
- Cochrane Collaboration
- Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
- Code
- Coding
- Code of Conduct
- Codominance
- Coefficient of Concordance
- Coefficient of Variation
- Coercion
- Cognitive Dissonance
- Cognitive Dissonance Bias
- Coherence
- Coherence, Epidemiological
- Cohort
- Cohort Analysis
- Cohort Component Method
- Cohort Effect
- Cohort Incidence
- Cohort Slopes
- Cohort Study
- Cohort Study, Historical
- Cointervention
- Cold Chain
- Collapsibility
- Collider
- Collider Bias
- Collinearity
- Colonization
- Commensal
- Common Disease Genetic and Epigenetic (CDGE) Hypothesis
- Common Good
- Common Source Epidemic
- Common Vehicle Spread
- Communicable Disease
- Communicable Period
- Communitarian Ethics
- Community
- Community Diagnosis
- Community Health
- Community Medicine
- Community Need Assessment
- Community-Oriented Primary Health Care
- Community Trial
- Comorbidity
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Comparison Group
- Competing Risk
- Completed Fertility Rate
- Completing The Clinical Picture
- Completion Rate
- Complex Trait
- Compliance
- Component Causes
- Composite Index
- Compositional Effects
- Compression of Morbidity
- Concentration Curve
- Concentration Index
- Concordance
- Concordant
- Concurrent Study
- Concurrent Validity
- Conditional Logistic Regression
- Conditional Probability
- Confidence Interval (CI)
- Confidence Limits
- Confidentiality
- Confirmation Bias
- Conflict of Interest
- Confounder
- Confounding
- Confounding Bias
- Confounding By Indication
- Confounding, Negative
- Confounding, Positive
- Confounding, Unmeasured
- Congenital A
- Connection
- Consanguine
- Consent Bias
- Consilience
- Consistency
- Consort
- Construct Validity
- Contact, Direct
- Contact, Indirect
- Contact, Primary
- Contact, Secondary
- Contact (Of An Infection)
- Contact Tracing
- Contagion
- Contagious Disease
- Containment
- Contamination
- Contamination, Data
- Content Validity
- Contextual Analysis
- Context
- Contextual Effects
- Contingency Table
- Contingent Variable
- Continuing Source Epidemic (Outbreak)
- Continuous Data, Continuous Variable
- Contour Plot
- Contract Research Organization (CRO)
- Control
- Control Group, Controls
- Controls, Historical
- Controls, Hospital
- Controls, Matched
- Controls, Negative
- Controls, Neighborhood
- Controls, Sibling
- Convenience Sample
- Coordinates
- Copy Number Variants (CNV)
- Cordon Sanitaire
- Correlation
- Correlation Coefficient
- Correlation, Intraclass
- Correlation, Nonsense
- Cost
- Cost, Average
- Cost, Avoided
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost, Direct
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Cost, Fixed
- Cost, Inaction
- Cost, Incremental
- Cost, Indirect
- Cost, Intangible
- Cost, Opportunity
- Cost, Total
- Costs, Marginal
- Costs of Inaction
- Cost-Utility Analysis
- Counterfactual
- Counterfactual Outcome
- Counterfactual Logic
- Countermatching
- Covariate
- Coverage
- Cox Model
- Creativity
- Criterion
- Criterion Validity
- Critical Appraisal
- Critical Period
- Critical Region
- Critical Time Window
- Critical Population Size
- Cronbach’S Alpha
- Cross-Cultural Study
- Cross-Cultural Validity
- Cross-Design Synthesis
- Cross-Infection
- Cross-Level Bias
- Crossover Clinical Trial, Crossover Experiment
- Cross-Product Ratio
- Cross-Sectional Study
- Cross-Validation
- Crude Death Rate
- Culture
- Cumulative Death Rate
- Cumulative Incidence
- Cumulative Incidence Ratio
- Cumulative Sampling
- Cusum
- Cut Point
- Cyclicity, Seasonal
- Cyclicity, Secular
- Cyst Count