- Race
- Radix
- Rahe-Holmes Social Readjustment Rating Scale
- Random
- Random Allocation
- Random-Digit Dialing
- Randomization
- Randomization, Mendelian
- Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
- Random Sample
- Random Sampling Variation
- Random Variable
- Random Walk
- Range of Distribution
- Rank
- Ranking Scale
- Rapid Epidemiological Assessment
- Rare-Disease Assumption
- Rate
- Rate Difference (RD)
- Rate-Odds Ratio
- Rate Ratio
- Ratio
- Ratio Scale
- Raw Data
- Reason For Encounter (RFE)
- Recall Bias
- Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
- Recessive
- Recommendations
- Record Linkage
- Recrudescence
- Rectangularization of Mortality
- Recurrence
- Recurrence Risk
- Recurrent Disease
- Reduction
- Reductionism
- Reed-Frost Model
- Reference Population
- Refinement
- Register, Registry
- Registration
- Regressand
- Regression
- Regression Analysis
- Regression Curve, Line, Surface, Plane
- Regression, Logistic
- Regression Model
- Regression to the Mean
- Regressor
- Reinfection
- Reinforcing Factors
- Relapse
- Relationship
- Relative Effect
- Relative Excess Risk (RER)
- Relative Index of Inequality
- Relative Odds
- Relative Poverty Level
- Relative Risk (RR)
- Relative Risk Reduction (RRR)
- Relevance
- Reliability
- Remote Sensing
- Repeatability
- Replacement-Level Fertility
- Replication
- Reporting Bias
- Representativeness
- Repression Bias
- Reproducibility
- Reproductive Isolation
- Reproductive Success
- Reprogramming
- Rescue Bias
- Research
- Research Design
- Research Ethics Board, Committee
- Research Subject
- Reservoir of Infection
- Resilience
- Residual Confounding
- Resolution, Resolving Power
- Resource Allocation
- Response Bias
- Response Rate
- Responsiveness
- Retrolective
- Retrospective Study
- Retrovirus
- Reverse Causation
- Reverse Causation Bias
- Reverse Transcription
- Review Bias
- Review, Systematic
- Ridit
- Ridit Analysis
- Risk
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Plot
- Risk-Benefit Analysis
- Risk-Benefit Ratio
- Risk Characterization
- Risk Difference (RD)
- Risk Estimation
- Risk Evaluation
- Risk Factor
- Risk Indicator
- Risk Management
- Risk Marker
- Risk Monitoring
- Risk Ratio
- Risk Set
- Robustness
- Rounding
- “Routine” Data, Routinely Collected Data
- Rubric
Reverse Causation (Syn: reverse causality, retrocausality, backward causation)
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
The biological, clinical, or social processes through which a causal relationship operates in a way opposite to that which is apparent; e.g., while the observed, apparent causal relationship is that F causes or alters Y (F→Y), the true, actual relationship is Y→F. Bidirectional effects (e.g., feedback between exposures) may also occur. For instance, it is possible both that religious service attendance may protect against depression and that depression may lead to lower levels of religious participation in some populations; seemingly protective associations between attendance at religious services and depression must consider that depressive disorders may influence subsequent discontinuation of such attendance.... ...
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- Race
- Radix
- Rahe-Holmes Social Readjustment Rating Scale
- Random
- Random Allocation
- Random-Digit Dialing
- Randomization
- Randomization, Mendelian
- Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
- Random Sample
- Random Sampling Variation
- Random Variable
- Random Walk
- Range of Distribution
- Rank
- Ranking Scale
- Rapid Epidemiological Assessment
- Rare-Disease Assumption
- Rate
- Rate Difference (RD)
- Rate-Odds Ratio
- Rate Ratio
- Ratio
- Ratio Scale
- Raw Data
- Reason For Encounter (RFE)
- Recall Bias
- Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
- Recessive
- Recommendations
- Record Linkage
- Recrudescence
- Rectangularization of Mortality
- Recurrence
- Recurrence Risk
- Recurrent Disease
- Reduction
- Reductionism
- Reed-Frost Model
- Reference Population
- Refinement
- Register, Registry
- Registration
- Regressand
- Regression
- Regression Analysis
- Regression Curve, Line, Surface, Plane
- Regression, Logistic
- Regression Model
- Regression to the Mean
- Regressor
- Reinfection
- Reinforcing Factors
- Relapse
- Relationship
- Relative Effect
- Relative Excess Risk (RER)
- Relative Index of Inequality
- Relative Odds
- Relative Poverty Level
- Relative Risk (RR)
- Relative Risk Reduction (RRR)
- Relevance
- Reliability
- Remote Sensing
- Repeatability
- Replacement-Level Fertility
- Replication
- Reporting Bias
- Representativeness
- Repression Bias
- Reproducibility
- Reproductive Isolation
- Reproductive Success
- Reprogramming
- Rescue Bias
- Research
- Research Design
- Research Ethics Board, Committee
- Research Subject
- Reservoir of Infection
- Resilience
- Residual Confounding
- Resolution, Resolving Power
- Resource Allocation
- Response Bias
- Response Rate
- Responsiveness
- Retrolective
- Retrospective Study
- Retrovirus
- Reverse Causation
- Reverse Causation Bias
- Reverse Transcription
- Review Bias
- Review, Systematic
- Ridit
- Ridit Analysis
- Risk
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Plot
- Risk-Benefit Analysis
- Risk-Benefit Ratio
- Risk Characterization
- Risk Difference (RD)
- Risk Estimation
- Risk Evaluation
- Risk Factor
- Risk Indicator
- Risk Management
- Risk Marker
- Risk Monitoring
- Risk Ratio
- Risk Set
- Robustness
- Rounding
- “Routine” Data, Routinely Collected Data
- Rubric