Show Summary Details
- Half-Life
- Halo Effect
- Handicap
- Handicap-Free Life Expectancy
- Haphazard Sample
- HapMap
- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- Hardy-Weinberg Law
- Harmonic Mean
- Hawthorne Effect
- Hazard
- Hazard Rate
- Hazard Identification
- Health
- Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy
- Health Behavior
- Health Care
- Health Care Epidemiology
- Health Determinants
- Health Development
- Health Education
- Health Equity
- Health Expectancy
- Health For All
- Health Gap
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
- Health In All Policies (HIAP)
- Health Index
- Health Indicator
- Health Inequalities
- Health Inequity
- Health Outcomes Assessment
- Health Promotion
- Health Related-Patient Reported Outcomes (HR-PRO) Instrument
- Health Risk Appraisal (HRA)
- Health Sector
- Health Services
- Health Services Research
- Health Statistics
- Health Status
- Health Status Index
- Health Survey
- Health System
- Health Systems Research
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Healthy Public Policies
- Healthy Worker Effect
- Healthy Years Equivalents (HYES)
- Healy
- Helminth
- Henle–Koch Postulates
- Herd Immunity
- Herd Immunity Threshold
- Heredity
- Heritability
- Heritability, “Missing”
- Heterogeneity
- Heteroscedasticity
- Heterozygous Genotype
- Heuristic Method
- Hibernation
- Hierarchical Analysis
- Hierarchical Model
- Hierarchy of Evidence
- “High-Risk” Preventive Strategy
- Hill’s Considerations For Causation
- Histogram
- Historical Cohort Study
- Historical Control
- HIV Seroconcordant/-Discordant
- Hogben Number
- Holoendemic Disease
- Holomiantic Infection
- Homoscedasticity
- Homozygous Genotype
- Hormesis
- Hospital-Acquired Infection
- Hospital Discharge Abstract System
- Hospital Epidemiology
- Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE)
- Hospital Separation
- Host
- Host, Definitive
- Host, Intermediate
- Hot Spot
- Household
- Household Sample Survey
- Hugenet
- Human Blood Index
- Human Development
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- Human Ecology
- Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HUGENET)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
- Human Microbiome
- Hygiene
- Hyperendemic Disease
- Hypergeometric Distribution
- Hypnozoite
- Hypoendemic Disease
- Hypothesis, Scientific
- Hypothesis Testing, Statistical
- Hypothetico-Deductive Method
Hazard Rate (Syn: force of morbidity, instantaneous incidence rate)
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
A theoretical measure of the probability of occurrence of an event per unit time at risk; e.g., death or new disease, at a point in time, ... ...
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- Half-Life
- Halo Effect
- Handicap
- Handicap-Free Life Expectancy
- Haphazard Sample
- HapMap
- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- Hardy-Weinberg Law
- Harmonic Mean
- Hawthorne Effect
- Hazard
- Hazard Rate
- Hazard Identification
- Health
- Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy
- Health Behavior
- Health Care
- Health Care Epidemiology
- Health Determinants
- Health Development
- Health Education
- Health Equity
- Health Expectancy
- Health For All
- Health Gap
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
- Health In All Policies (HIAP)
- Health Index
- Health Indicator
- Health Inequalities
- Health Inequity
- Health Outcomes Assessment
- Health Promotion
- Health Related-Patient Reported Outcomes (HR-PRO) Instrument
- Health Risk Appraisal (HRA)
- Health Sector
- Health Services
- Health Services Research
- Health Statistics
- Health Status
- Health Status Index
- Health Survey
- Health System
- Health Systems Research
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Healthy Public Policies
- Healthy Worker Effect
- Healthy Years Equivalents (HYES)
- Healy
- Helminth
- Henle–Koch Postulates
- Herd Immunity
- Herd Immunity Threshold
- Heredity
- Heritability
- Heritability, “Missing”
- Heterogeneity
- Heteroscedasticity
- Heterozygous Genotype
- Heuristic Method
- Hibernation
- Hierarchical Analysis
- Hierarchical Model
- Hierarchy of Evidence
- “High-Risk” Preventive Strategy
- Hill’s Considerations For Causation
- Histogram
- Historical Cohort Study
- Historical Control
- HIV Seroconcordant/-Discordant
- Hogben Number
- Holoendemic Disease
- Holomiantic Infection
- Homoscedasticity
- Homozygous Genotype
- Hormesis
- Hospital-Acquired Infection
- Hospital Discharge Abstract System
- Hospital Epidemiology
- Hospital Inpatient Enquiry (HIPE)
- Hospital Separation
- Host
- Host, Definitive
- Host, Intermediate
- Hot Spot
- Household
- Household Sample Survey
- Hugenet
- Human Blood Index
- Human Development
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- Human Ecology
- Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HUGENET)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
- Human Microbiome
- Hygiene
- Hyperendemic Disease
- Hypergeometric Distribution
- Hypnozoite
- Hypoendemic Disease
- Hypothesis, Scientific
- Hypothesis Testing, Statistical
- Hypothetico-Deductive Method