- P
- Paired Samples
- Pandemic
- Panel Study
- Paradigm
- Parameter
- Parametric Test
- Paramutation
- Parasite
- Parasite Count
- Parasite Density
- Parasitemia
- Paratenic Host
- Parity
- Participant
- Participant Observation
- Particularization
- Passage
- Passenger Variable
- Passive Smoking
- Pasteurization
- Path Analysis
- Path Diagram
- Pathogen
- Pathogenesis
- Pathogenicity
- Pathophysiology
- Patient-Reported Outcomes, Person-Reported Outcomes
- Pearson’s Chi-Square
- Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation
- Pedigree
- Peer Review
- Penalized Estimation
- Penetrance
- Perceived Need
- Percentage
- Percentile
- Performance Bias
- Perinatal Mortality
- Periodicity
- Periodic (Medical) Examinations
- Period of Communicability
- Period Prevalence
- Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
- Personal Health Care
- Personal Monitoring Device
- Person-Time
- Person-Time Incidence Rate
- Person-to-Person Spread of Disease
- Person-Years
- Perspective Plot
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Pharmacovigilance
- Phase I, Phase II, Phase III Trial
- Phenotype
- Physician
- Pie Chart
- Pilot Investigation, Study
- PLAs
- Placebo
- Placebo Effect
- Plasticity
- Plausibility
- Pleiotropy
- Plot, Box and Whisker
- Plot, Cat and Whisker
- Plot, Forest
- Plot, Funnel
- Plot, Manhattan
- Point Source Epidemic
- Poisson Distribution
- Policy
- Policy Brief
- Polygenic Trait
- Political Epidemiology
- Pollutant
- Pollution
- Polygenic Diseases
- Polygenic Inheritance
- Polymorphism, Genetic
- Polytomous
- Polytomous Variable
- Ponderal Index
- Pooled Analysis
- Popular Epidemiology
- Population
- Population Attributable Risk
- Population Attributable Risk Percent
- Population-Based
- Population Dynamics
- Population Genetics
- Population Health
- Population Impact Number
- Population Medicine
- Population Momentum
- Population Preventive Strategy
- Population Pyramid
- Population, Source
- Population Stratification
- Population, Study
- Population, Target
- Population Thinking
- Positive Predictive Value
- Positive Transition
- Positivity
- Posterior Odds
- Posterior Probability
- Post Hoc Analysis
- Postmarketing Surveillance
- Postneonatal Mortality Rate
- Potency
- Potential Outcome
- Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL)
- Poverty
- Power, Statistical
- Pragmatic Study, Pragmatic Trial
- Precautionary Principle
- Precipitating Factors
- Precision
- Precursor
- Predictive Accuracy
- Predictive Capacity
- Predictive Validity
- Predictive Value
- Predictive Value, Negative
- Predictive Value, Positive
- Predisposing Factors
- Pregnancy-Related Death
- Premunition
- Prepatent Period
- Prescriptive Screening
- Presenteeism
- Prespecified Falsification Hypothesis
- Presumptive Treatment
- Prevalence
- Prevalence Pool
- Prevalence Study
- Preventable Fraction For The Population
- Prevented Fraction For The Population
- Prevention
- Prevention, Clark’s Levels of
- Prevention Level
- Prevention Paradox
- Preventive Medicine
- Primary Case
- Primary Care Epidemiology
- Primary Health Care
- Primordial Prevention
- Principal Component Analysis
- Prion
- Prior Odds
- Prior Probability
- Prisma
- Privacy
- Probability
- Probability Density
- Probability Distribution
- Probability of Causation
- Probability Sample
- Probability Theory
- Proband
- Probit
- Problem-Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
- Procarcinogen
- Product Limit Method
- Professional Activity Study (PAS)
- Profile Plot
- Profile, Trial
- Program
- Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)
- Programming
- Program Review
- Program Trial
- Prolective
- Propensity Score
- Properties of a Cause
- Prophylaxis
- Proportion
- Proportional Hazards Model
- Proportional Mortality-Odds Ratio
- Proportional Mortality Ratio
- Propositus
- Prospective Study
- Proteome
- Protocol
- Protopathic Bias
- Protozoa
- Proximal Determinant
- Pseudo-Longitudinal Study
- Psychosocial Epidemiology
- Publication Bias
- Public Health
- Public Health Impact Assessment
- Public Health Medicine
- Public Health Significance
- Purified Protein Derivative Skin Test (PPD)
- P Value
Population Thinking
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
By contrast to Individual Thinking, a reasoning and mode of reasoning that dynamically integrates fluxes in human populations, sociogeographic spaces, and time. It observes, analyzes, and predicts the experiences of a whole group of people defined in a specific way (e.g., geophysically, socially, clinically, biologically).... ...
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- P
- Paired Samples
- Pandemic
- Panel Study
- Paradigm
- Parameter
- Parametric Test
- Paramutation
- Parasite
- Parasite Count
- Parasite Density
- Parasitemia
- Paratenic Host
- Parity
- Participant
- Participant Observation
- Particularization
- Passage
- Passenger Variable
- Passive Smoking
- Pasteurization
- Path Analysis
- Path Diagram
- Pathogen
- Pathogenesis
- Pathogenicity
- Pathophysiology
- Patient-Reported Outcomes, Person-Reported Outcomes
- Pearson’s Chi-Square
- Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation
- Pedigree
- Peer Review
- Penalized Estimation
- Penetrance
- Perceived Need
- Percentage
- Percentile
- Performance Bias
- Perinatal Mortality
- Periodicity
- Periodic (Medical) Examinations
- Period of Communicability
- Period Prevalence
- Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
- Personal Health Care
- Personal Monitoring Device
- Person-Time
- Person-Time Incidence Rate
- Person-to-Person Spread of Disease
- Person-Years
- Perspective Plot
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Pharmacovigilance
- Phase I, Phase II, Phase III Trial
- Phenotype
- Physician
- Pie Chart
- Pilot Investigation, Study
- PLAs
- Placebo
- Placebo Effect
- Plasticity
- Plausibility
- Pleiotropy
- Plot, Box and Whisker
- Plot, Cat and Whisker
- Plot, Forest
- Plot, Funnel
- Plot, Manhattan
- Point Source Epidemic
- Poisson Distribution
- Policy
- Policy Brief
- Polygenic Trait
- Political Epidemiology
- Pollutant
- Pollution
- Polygenic Diseases
- Polygenic Inheritance
- Polymorphism, Genetic
- Polytomous
- Polytomous Variable
- Ponderal Index
- Pooled Analysis
- Popular Epidemiology
- Population
- Population Attributable Risk
- Population Attributable Risk Percent
- Population-Based
- Population Dynamics
- Population Genetics
- Population Health
- Population Impact Number
- Population Medicine
- Population Momentum
- Population Preventive Strategy
- Population Pyramid
- Population, Source
- Population Stratification
- Population, Study
- Population, Target
- Population Thinking
- Positive Predictive Value
- Positive Transition
- Positivity
- Posterior Odds
- Posterior Probability
- Post Hoc Analysis
- Postmarketing Surveillance
- Postneonatal Mortality Rate
- Potency
- Potential Outcome
- Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL)
- Poverty
- Power, Statistical
- Pragmatic Study, Pragmatic Trial
- Precautionary Principle
- Precipitating Factors
- Precision
- Precursor
- Predictive Accuracy
- Predictive Capacity
- Predictive Validity
- Predictive Value
- Predictive Value, Negative
- Predictive Value, Positive
- Predisposing Factors
- Pregnancy-Related Death
- Premunition
- Prepatent Period
- Prescriptive Screening
- Presenteeism
- Prespecified Falsification Hypothesis
- Presumptive Treatment
- Prevalence
- Prevalence Pool
- Prevalence Study
- Preventable Fraction For The Population
- Prevented Fraction For The Population
- Prevention
- Prevention, Clark’s Levels of
- Prevention Level
- Prevention Paradox
- Preventive Medicine
- Primary Case
- Primary Care Epidemiology
- Primary Health Care
- Primordial Prevention
- Principal Component Analysis
- Prion
- Prior Odds
- Prior Probability
- Prisma
- Privacy
- Probability
- Probability Density
- Probability Distribution
- Probability of Causation
- Probability Sample
- Probability Theory
- Proband
- Probit
- Problem-Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
- Procarcinogen
- Product Limit Method
- Professional Activity Study (PAS)
- Profile Plot
- Profile, Trial
- Program
- Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)
- Programming
- Program Review
- Program Trial
- Prolective
- Propensity Score
- Properties of a Cause
- Prophylaxis
- Proportion
- Proportional Hazards Model
- Proportional Mortality-Odds Ratio
- Proportional Mortality Ratio
- Propositus
- Prospective Study
- Proteome
- Protocol
- Protopathic Bias
- Protozoa
- Proximal Determinant
- Pseudo-Longitudinal Study
- Psychosocial Epidemiology
- Publication Bias
- Public Health
- Public Health Impact Assessment
- Public Health Medicine
- Public Health Significance
- Purified Protein Derivative Skin Test (PPD)
- P Value