- Abatement
- ABC Approach
- Abortion Rate
- Abortion Ratio
- Abscissa
- Absenteeism
- Absolute Effect
- Absolute Poverty Level
- Absolute Rate
- Absolute Risk (AR)
- Absolute Risk Increase (ARI)
- Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)
- Accelerated Failure-Time Model
- Acceptable Risk
- Acceptance Sampling
- Access
- Accessory Reservoir
- Accident
- Accumulation of Risk
- Accuracy
- Acquaintance Network
- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Active Life Expectancy
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Scale
- Activity Setting
- Actuarial Rate
- Actuarial Table
- Acute
- Adaptation
- Additive Model
- Adherence
- Adjustment
- Adult Literacy Rate
- Adverse Health Event
- Adverse Reaction
- Adverse Selection
- Aetiology, Aetiological
- Age
- Age Dependency Ratio
- Agency Relationship
- Agent (Of Disease)
- Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
- Age-Sex Pyramid
- Age-Sex Register
- Age-Specific Fertility Rate
- Age-Specific Rate
- Age Standardization
- Aggregation Bias
- Aggregate Surveillance
- Aggregative Fallacy
- Aging of The Population
- “Agnostic” Analysis
- Agreement
- Airborne Infection
- Algorithm
- Algorithm, Clinical
- Allele
- Allocation Bias
- Allocation Concealment
- Allostasis
- Allostatic Load
- Alma-Ata Declaration
- Alpha Error
- Alpha Level
- Ambient
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Analytical Study
- Anamorphic Map
- Ancillary Study
- Anecdotal Evidence
- Animal Model
- Annual Parasite Index (API)
- Antagonism
- Anthropometry
- Anthropophilic
- Antibody
- Antigen
- Antigenic Drift
- Antigenicity
- Antigenic Shift
- Apache
- Apgar Score
- Applied Epidemiology
- Arbovirus
- Area Sampling
- Arithmetic Mean
- Arm
- Armitage-Doll Model
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ascertainment
- Ascertainment Bias
- Assay
- Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
- Association
- Association, Fortuitous
- Association, Spurious
- Association Study
- Assortative Mating
- Asymmetry of Information
- Asymptotic
- Asymptotic Curve
- Asymptotic Method
- Atomistic Fallacy
- Attack “Rate”
- Attenuation
- Attributable Benefit
- Attributable Fraction
- Attributable Fraction Among The Exposed
- Attributable Fraction For The Population
- Attributable Number
- Attributable Proportion
- Attributable Rate
- Attributable Risk
- Attributable Risk (Exposed)
- Attributable Risk Percent
- Attributable Risk Percent (Exposed)
- Attributable Risk Percent (Population)
- Attributable Risk (Population)
- Attribute
- Attrition
- Attrition Bias
- Audit
- Australia Antigen
- Autonomy, Respect For
- Autopsy Data
- Auxiliary Hypothesis Bias
- Average
- Average Life Expectancy
- Axis
Attributable Rate (Syn: causal rate difference)
- Source:
- A Dictionary of Epidemiology
- Author(s):
Miquel Porta
The rate of the outcome had everybody in the population been exposed minus the rate of the outcome had everybody in the population remained unexposed. It measures the proportion of the rate in exposed individuals that can be attributed to the exposure.... ...
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- Abatement
- ABC Approach
- Abortion Rate
- Abortion Ratio
- Abscissa
- Absenteeism
- Absolute Effect
- Absolute Poverty Level
- Absolute Rate
- Absolute Risk (AR)
- Absolute Risk Increase (ARI)
- Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)
- Accelerated Failure-Time Model
- Acceptable Risk
- Acceptance Sampling
- Access
- Accessory Reservoir
- Accident
- Accumulation of Risk
- Accuracy
- Acquaintance Network
- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Active Life Expectancy
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Scale
- Activity Setting
- Actuarial Rate
- Actuarial Table
- Acute
- Adaptation
- Additive Model
- Adherence
- Adjustment
- Adult Literacy Rate
- Adverse Health Event
- Adverse Reaction
- Adverse Selection
- Aetiology, Aetiological
- Age
- Age Dependency Ratio
- Agency Relationship
- Agent (Of Disease)
- Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
- Age-Sex Pyramid
- Age-Sex Register
- Age-Specific Fertility Rate
- Age-Specific Rate
- Age Standardization
- Aggregation Bias
- Aggregate Surveillance
- Aggregative Fallacy
- Aging of The Population
- “Agnostic” Analysis
- Agreement
- Airborne Infection
- Algorithm
- Algorithm, Clinical
- Allele
- Allocation Bias
- Allocation Concealment
- Allostasis
- Allostatic Load
- Alma-Ata Declaration
- Alpha Error
- Alpha Level
- Ambient
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Analytical Study
- Anamorphic Map
- Ancillary Study
- Anecdotal Evidence
- Animal Model
- Annual Parasite Index (API)
- Antagonism
- Anthropometry
- Anthropophilic
- Antibody
- Antigen
- Antigenic Drift
- Antigenicity
- Antigenic Shift
- Apache
- Apgar Score
- Applied Epidemiology
- Arbovirus
- Area Sampling
- Arithmetic Mean
- Arm
- Armitage-Doll Model
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ascertainment
- Ascertainment Bias
- Assay
- Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
- Association
- Association, Fortuitous
- Association, Spurious
- Association Study
- Assortative Mating
- Asymmetry of Information
- Asymptotic
- Asymptotic Curve
- Asymptotic Method
- Atomistic Fallacy
- Attack “Rate”
- Attenuation
- Attributable Benefit
- Attributable Fraction
- Attributable Fraction Among The Exposed
- Attributable Fraction For The Population
- Attributable Number
- Attributable Proportion
- Attributable Rate
- Attributable Risk
- Attributable Risk (Exposed)
- Attributable Risk Percent
- Attributable Risk Percent (Exposed)
- Attributable Risk Percent (Population)
- Attributable Risk (Population)
- Attribute
- Attrition
- Attrition Bias
- Audit
- Australia Antigen
- Autonomy, Respect For
- Autopsy Data
- Auxiliary Hypothesis Bias
- Average
- Average Life Expectancy
- Axis