New Zealand English (NZE)
in the broad sense is the entire range of English used by New Zealanders, including the very large body of written expression belonging to all geographical varieties of the language. It is not difficult to find New Zealand literary works which either in their entirety (especially shorter poems) or for many pages at a stretch are written solely in the common core of international English, with nothing identifiably or uniquely New Zealand in their language. Frequently, however, the writing is clearly recognisable as New Zealand in origin, through linguistic features of NZE in a narrower (and more usual) sense, that is those by which New Zealanders' use of English is distinguished (sometimes along with Australian English) from other regional dialects of the language. These features may be highly conspicuous (as in representations of colloquial New Zealand speech or in works by or about Māori), or at the other extreme present only sparingly in local usages (for example in Katherine ... ...
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