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date: 10 February 2025

Generalis clausula non porrigitur ad ea quae antea specialiter sunt comprehensa  gānāra´lēs klô´sūla nōn pōrrē´gētūr ad ā´a kwī an´tā‐a spākē‐a´lētūr sūnt kōmprāhān´sa .  jenɜrâ´lis klaˇ´zyūlu nan pōri´jitɜr âd ē´u kwā ân´tē‐u spešâ´litɜr sunt kamprēhen´su . 

Guide to Latin in International Law

Aaron X. Fellmeth,

Maurice Horwitz

“A general clause does not extend to those things that previously have been comprehended in a special way.”A maxim meaning that a general clause in a legal instrument is presumed not to apply to situations specifically provided for elsewhere in the same instrument. ... ...

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