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date: 19 February 2025

Ethnic Cleansing and Deportation. 

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
Michael J. HallidayMichael J. Halliday

Ethnic cleansing is the practice of deliberate and systematic displacement or removal of an identifiable group from a given geographic area. Ethnic cleansing is usually used to describe state or quasi-state policies of targeting oppositional populations, most often civilian, during war or civil conflict. There is no general agreement on the definition of the term “ethnicity,” and the word is generally used to signify a collection of characteristics that human populations share, usually cultural or behavioral, and that can be used to classify groups. The concept is often understood as a moniker of differentiation within larger taxonomies or a subclassification of larger meta groupings. Ethnicity is typically conceptualized in opposition to broader and commonly understood interhuman distinctions such as race, gender, and perhaps sexual orientation. The primary distinguishing elements of ethnicity are religion, language, territorial location, and, most significantly, culture. In many ways the term “ethnicity” was a replacement for problematic and definitionally inconsistent terms such as race, class, or nationality.... ...

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