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date: 14 February 2025

Atlantic Revolutions. 

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
Alyssa Goldstein SepinwallAlyssa Goldstein Sepinwall

Although sometimes extended to earlier upheavals, the term “Atlantic Revolutions” refers most commonly to the uprisings in Europe and the Americas between ...of “all men” excited groups that had long been oppressed, leading them to believe that they would henceforth enjoy equality. Many native peoples, slaves, and members of religious minorities joined revolutions in the hopes that their condition might be improved. Women also played important roles in many revolutions, such as in France, where a mass march by women on Versailles was one of the Revolution's turning points. Ultimately, however, civic rights were given to a relatively narrow section of the population. The United States opted to maintain slavery, and both slaves and women were excluded from voting. In France, the Revolution's leaders declared women incapable of participating in political life (except to raise patriotic children). In Latin America, mestizos (people of mixed race) fought alongside white Creoles in revolutionary struggles, but were subsequently pushed aside. The egalitarian ideals of the Atlantic Revolutions were best fulfilled in Haiti, but even there tensions continued between citizens of mixed race and blacks.... ...

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