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date: 10 February 2025

Martin Chuzzlewit, the Life and Adventures of, 

The Oxford Companion to American Literature

James D. Hart

, Phillip LeiningerPhillip Leininger

novel by Dickens, published in 1844. It was partially an outgrowth of his American tour (1842).Martin, the grandson of wealthy, misanthropic old Martin Chuzzlewit, is in love with Mary Graham, his grandfather's ward. When the old man refuses to allow him to marry Mary and has him dismissed from his position with his cousin, the architect Pecksniff, Martin sails to the U.S. to make his fortune, accompanied by Mark Tapley, his servant. He is defrauded in his work as an architect for the Eden Land Corporation (Cairo, Ill.), loses his money, and nearly dies of a fever. The example of his devoted, cheerful servant, also stricken, teaches him unselfishness. When he returns to England, his grandfather appreciates his newly revealed good qualities, becomes aware of the hypocritical Pecksniff's meanness and treachery, and gives his blessing to the wedding of young Martin and Mary.... ...

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