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date: 06 February 2025

chimp paradox 

Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise

Michael Kent

The term coined by the psychologist Dr Steven Peters to describe the effect of having three potentially conflicting components in the brain. He calls these components the chimp, the human, and the computer. The chimp is the emotional component that makes us jump to conclusions and adopt fight or flight responses when under threat; it is concerned mainly with survival. The human is the rational component; it uses objective reasoning to respond to threats in a considered manner. The computer component acts like a hard drive, storing information that the chimp or human components put into it; it then uses the information in an automatic way, or it can serve as a reference point for beliefs and values. According to Peters, these brain components try to work together but are very often in conflict, with the chimp component often winning. Using the model of the brain based on the chimp paradox, Dr Peters devised a mind management programme that has helped Olympic athletes develop confidence, success, and happiness.... ...

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