- Abbreviations
- -able
- Absolute Constructions
- Abstractitis
- adjective
- Adverbs
- ae
- -agog(ue)
- -aholic
- Airlinese
- Alliteration
- Americanisms and Briticisms
- Anachronyms
- Animal Adjectives
- ante-
- Anticipatory Reference
- Appositives
- Archaisms
- -atable
- -athlon
- Back-Formations
- Be-Verbs
- bi-
- Bureaucratese
- -c-
- Cannibalism
- Capitalization
- -cast
- Casualisms
- -ce
- Century Descriptions
- Chronology
- -cide
- Class Distinctions
- Clichés
- co-
- Collective Nouns
- Commercialese
- Comparatives and Superlatives
- Computerese
- Concord
- Conjunctions
- Contractions
- Contronyms
- Correlative Conjunctions
- Count Nouns and Mass Nouns
- Danglers
- Dates
- Denizen Labels
- Diacritical Marks
- Dialect
- Differentiation
- diminutive
- Diminutives
- Directional Words
- Document Design
- Double Bobbles
- Double Modals
- Doublespeak
- Double Subjects
- Dysphemism
- -ed
- -edly
- -ee
- en-
- Enumerations
- -er
- Ergative Verbs
- -esque
- Etymology
- Euphemisms
- ex-
- Expletives
- extra-
- First Person
- Flotsam Phrases
- Footnotes
- for-
- Formal Words
- -free
- Fudge Words
- Functional Shift
- Fused Participles
- Gallicisms
- Garner's Law of Loanwords
- Germanicisms
- Gerunds
- Governmental Forms
- Headlinese
- Hobson-Jobsonism
- Hybrids
- Hypallage
- Hypercorrection
- -ic
- -ics
- -ile
- Illogic
- Incomplete Sentences
- Inelegant Variation
- inter-
- Inversion
- Irregular Verbs
- Italics
- -ize
- Jargon
- Latinisms
- Legalese
- Literary Allusion
- Malapropisms
- Metaphors
- Metathesis
- Miscues
- Mondegreens
- Morphological Deformities
- Mute E
- Names
- Needless Variants
- Negatives
- Neologisms
- Nonwords
- Noun Plague
- Numerals
- Numerical Prefixes
- Object-Shuffling
- Obscurity
- Officialese
- -or
- Overstatement
- Oxymorons
- Parallelism
- Passive Voice
- per-
- Periphrasis
- Phrasal Adjectives
- Phrasal Verbs
- Place Names
- Plain Language
- Plurals
- Pointing Words
- Political Correctness
- Portmanteau Words
- Possessives
- Postpositive Adjectives
- Prepositions
- Preventive Grammar
- Profanity
- Pronouns
- pronunciation
- Punctuation
- Puns
- quadri-
- Questions, Direct and Indirect
- Quotations
- re- Pairs
- Redundancy
- Remote Relatives
- Retronyms
- Run-On Sentences
- Sentence Adverbs
- Sentence Ends
- Sentence Length
- Sesquipedality
- Set Phrases
- Sexism
- Skunked Terms
- Slang
- Slipshod Extension
- Sound of Prose
- Spelling
- Split Infinitives
- Standard English
- Subject–Verb Agreement
- Subject–Verb Separation
- Subjunctives
- Subordination and Coordination
- Superstitions
- Swapping Horses
- Synesis
- Tenses
- Titular Tomfoolery
- Tmesis
- Understood Words
- Verbal Awareness
- Vogue Words
- Vowel Clusters
- Weasel Words
- Wellerisms
- -wise
- Woolliness
- Word Patronage
- Word-Swapping
- -worthy
- Zeugma
cultural diversity
- Source:
- Garner's Modern English Usage
- Author(s):
Bryan Garner
= (1) diversity within a culture; pluralism; or (2) diversity among cultures. The phrase often masks this ambiguity. Sense 1 is more common—e.g.: “The United States Air Force Band of Liberty [will play] songs highlighting America's musical and ... ...
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- Abbreviations
- -able
- Absolute Constructions
- Abstractitis
- adjective
- Adverbs
- ae
- -agog(ue)
- -aholic
- Airlinese
- Alliteration
- Americanisms and Briticisms
- Anachronyms
- Animal Adjectives
- ante-
- Anticipatory Reference
- Appositives
- Archaisms
- -atable
- -athlon
- Back-Formations
- Be-Verbs
- bi-
- Bureaucratese
- -c-
- Cannibalism
- Capitalization
- -cast
- Casualisms
- -ce
- Century Descriptions
- Chronology
- -cide
- Class Distinctions
- Clichés
- co-
- Collective Nouns
- Commercialese
- Comparatives and Superlatives
- Computerese
- Concord
- Conjunctions
- Contractions
- Contronyms
- Correlative Conjunctions
- Count Nouns and Mass Nouns
- Danglers
- Dates
- Denizen Labels
- Diacritical Marks
- Dialect
- Differentiation
- diminutive
- Diminutives
- Directional Words
- Document Design
- Double Bobbles
- Double Modals
- Doublespeak
- Double Subjects
- Dysphemism
- -ed
- -edly
- -ee
- en-
- Enumerations
- -er
- Ergative Verbs
- -esque
- Etymology
- Euphemisms
- ex-
- Expletives
- extra-
- First Person
- Flotsam Phrases
- Footnotes
- for-
- Formal Words
- -free
- Fudge Words
- Functional Shift
- Fused Participles
- Gallicisms
- Garner's Law of Loanwords
- Germanicisms
- Gerunds
- Governmental Forms
- Headlinese
- Hobson-Jobsonism
- Hybrids
- Hypallage
- Hypercorrection
- -ic
- -ics
- -ile
- Illogic
- Incomplete Sentences
- Inelegant Variation
- inter-
- Inversion
- Irregular Verbs
- Italics
- -ize
- Jargon
- Latinisms
- Legalese
- Literary Allusion
- Malapropisms
- Metaphors
- Metathesis
- Miscues
- Mondegreens
- Morphological Deformities
- Mute E
- Names
- Needless Variants
- Negatives
- Neologisms
- Nonwords
- Noun Plague
- Numerals
- Numerical Prefixes
- Object-Shuffling
- Obscurity
- Officialese
- -or
- Overstatement
- Oxymorons
- Parallelism
- Passive Voice
- per-
- Periphrasis
- Phrasal Adjectives
- Phrasal Verbs
- Place Names
- Plain Language
- Plurals
- Pointing Words
- Political Correctness
- Portmanteau Words
- Possessives
- Postpositive Adjectives
- Prepositions
- Preventive Grammar
- Profanity
- Pronouns
- pronunciation
- Punctuation
- Puns
- quadri-
- Questions, Direct and Indirect
- Quotations
- re- Pairs
- Redundancy
- Remote Relatives
- Retronyms
- Run-On Sentences
- Sentence Adverbs
- Sentence Ends
- Sentence Length
- Sesquipedality
- Set Phrases
- Sexism
- Skunked Terms
- Slang
- Slipshod Extension
- Sound of Prose
- Spelling
- Split Infinitives
- Standard English
- Subject–Verb Agreement
- Subject–Verb Separation
- Subjunctives
- Subordination and Coordination
- Superstitions
- Swapping Horses
- Synesis
- Tenses
- Titular Tomfoolery
- Tmesis
- Understood Words
- Verbal Awareness
- Vogue Words
- Vowel Clusters
- Weasel Words
- Wellerisms
- -wise
- Woolliness
- Word Patronage
- Word-Swapping
- -worthy
- Zeugma